
We’re a group of New York City-based current and former exotic dancers and allies. We created this website to empower dancers by providing information, support, and resources. We were inspired to create this project by Dancers Are Special, a booklet created by Different Avenues and distributed to dancers in the DC area. Some of the text on this site comes from Dancers Are Special. We have expanded on the information and adapted it for New York City and for the Internet.

We meet regularly in New York City to support each other and build community among dancers. If you are a current or former dancer and would like to join us, contact us. If you are a dancer in New York City and you feel your experiences are not reflected or your concerns are not addressed here, please get in touch and help us improve the site. This website is a work in progress! If you like our site and want to support our outreach work, please consider making a donation via Paypal.

Who We Are

Dancers and allies who contributed to this site include Mona Salim, Rachel Aimee, Akynos, Essence Revealed, Jada, PJ Starr, Manu, Michelle C., Sienna Baskin, Melissa Sontag Broudo, and Marlena Sonn.

What We’re Doing

In 2012 we launched an Indiegogo fundraising campaign to raise money to translate our website into three languages and create booklets to distribute to dancers in New York City strip clubs. Our booklets are now available to download here! We’re also working on distributing them to dancers in clubs across the city. Please support our outreach by making a donation to Paypal. All donations directly support our outreach, and donors of $30 or more will receive a limited edition We Are Dancers poster!